International Crisis- & Catastrophe Management
Risk analysis is a constant part of management responsiblities. This does not only cover every-days incidents but includes additionally to „think the unthinkable“. With regard to the increasing connectivity of political and economic entities, the changing environmental framework in combination with the progress of communication-technologies, this fields importance is increasing constantly. Big data analysis and the use of forsighting technologies are suitable instruments to meet the requirements.
Crisis are defined as a sudden development of harmful potentials. Crisis are the results of changing parameters evaluated in the risk analysis, the delay of awareness of those changes or the misevaluation of the impact of changing parameters. To cope with crises, perfectly trained personnel is required, which acts flexible also under pressure, which is able to cope with changing organizational structures and which can handle an international network of information sources and use it as a sound basis for reliabe decisions.
Catastrophes are harmful incidentes which can not be covered with the available resources. The effects of such an incident can be even have global impacts. These are affecting people, economies, countries and regions and require therefore a multilevel and multidimensional action in the framework of an adequate „consequence management“. They affect populations, economies, states, and regions alike and always require multidimensional actions in the context of “consequence management.” Well-developed countries and the international community have „response machanisms“ in place, but of much higher importance is a worldwide connected network of experts and organisations, which are enabling all acting forces to cope with the impact of the catastrophe. The integration of political and economic entities in these proceedures is of exteme high importance.
The extensive experience of the CRC-founders in this field has been the reason to put specific emphasis on the requirements in international crises- & catastrophe management.
Brigardier i.R. Norbert FÜRSTENHOFER
Head of section
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