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The Competence Center addresses issues related to the efficient and effective design of health care systems as well as regional, national and international health care on the macro level as well as on the micro level with economic analyses regarding potentials for improvement within health care facilities and the value chain of the Strategic Infrastructure Health Care, also with regard to the dependency on other Critical Infrastructures. The evaluation of preventive measures and health technologies represents another central topic.

All issues related to concepts and projects are addressed on a strategic, tactical and/or operational level, and all key stakeholders incl. economic sectors and important environmental influences included. Ethical and legal framework conditions must be taken into account here in particular. Attempts are made to anticipate critical trends in advance and to factor them into the forecasts. In this context, the consideration of scarce resources and budgets in the face of increasingly uncertain and certainly constantly changing framework conditions, such as economic crises, terrorist attacks, environmental disasters and epidemics/pandemics, plays a central role. Adequate quantitative and qualitative research methods are used to provide stakeholders with optimal support in selecting appropriate strategies/scenarios for decision support. Business games also find their central application here.

Furthermore, close cooperation is maintained with organizations and research institutes at national and international level that deal with similar topics. Sharing knowledge through training and dissemination of findings at scientific conferences and in the media including. Policy advice are also of particular interest to us in this regard.

The tasks of the competence center are:

  • Analysis of health care systems and health care facilities
  • Improving the use of resources in the face of tight healthcare budgets
  • Strategic as well as scenario-based decision support for stakeholders in the healthcare sector
  • Third Mission and Trainings
  • Research and development
Marion Rauner

Competence Center Responsibility:

Ao.Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr.
Head of the Competence Center

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